Holiday Visits & Potty Training

image of a holiday decorated car with christmas and hannukah gifts driving through the snow on a road trip and a toilet to represent potty training during family and holiday visits

The holiday season is a crazy time of year! Throw in a newly potty trained toddler and you’ve got your hands full.

We’re here to make things a little easier by laying out a list of things you can do to help your child be successful during family visits. 

Visiting a family member’s house or going on an outing?

  1. Have your child use the potty right before they hop in the car to leave the house.

  2. If it’s a long ride, stop about every 2 hours for a trip to the potty - you can use a public restroom OR bring a travel potty safely stored in the trunk of your car.

  3. If your child prefers a little potty or toilet seat topper, bring it with you. Your family likely won't mind the extra little potty in their guest bathroom! 

  4. As soon as you arrive, show your child the bathroom, make sure the toilet is accessible, and have them try to go. 

  5. Occasionally provide reminders or take them for a potty sit before transitions. Ex: “First let’s go potty and wash hands, then we can have dessert!”

  6. If you’re still using rewards at home, bring some with you. This is a new challenge for your little one and they may need some reinforcements.

  7. Bring a few changes of clothes - just in case! Accidents happen, especially in the beginning stages of potty training, and while everyone is off of their normal routine. Remember, this is a learning process!

Lots of these tips will apply if you're having family at your house, as well. For instance, have your child use the potty before company arrives. Leave their potty or potty seat where it typically is - family will understand! While it’s easy to become distracted by guests (for both you and your child), don’t forget to check in with your little one and give them a reminder or two if needed. Just remember, the change in routine can be a little stressful for everyone (toddlers included) so stay consistent with your potty plan.

Happy Holidays!

From Alison & Sarah

For more tips on navigating potty scenarios after you’ve potty trained your child:

Check out our Post-Potty Training Guides


How to: Help your child poop on the potty


Preparing for Potty Training at Nighttime