Traveling by Plane & Potty Training

As if travel wasn’t already stressful enough! Now you get to bring a newly-potty trained child along for the adventure!

We have some tips to help make the trips (pun intended 🙂) to the potty as smooth as possible:

  1. Describe ahead of time how bathroom trips at the airport will go.

    What will the restroom look/sound like? Will you bring your potty seat or anything extra? You can even show them pictures of public restrooms or airports. Social stories can be great for little ones that tend to worry, too! 

  2. Give your family extra time.

    Remember, your child has a smaller bladder. Take extra trips to the restroom, including when you arrive at the airport and before boarding. 

  3. Bring some extra supplies. 

  • It’s possible that your little one will have to go potty as soon as they’re required to be buckled in for lift off - so if you have a little boy, a portable urinal could be handy! There is also a portable potty pee cup version for girls.

  • It’s probably not convenient to use a portable potty in the plane seats but a portable seat topper could be helpful for when they are allowed to get up and use the restroom.  

  • Extra cleaning supplies, like hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes

  • Extra pair of undies (or three) just in case!

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An Important Note…

We don’t recommend re-diapering your little one after you’ve already potty trained them (unless they are likely to fall asleep and not nap/night trained), so do your best to stick to undies as to not confuse them. If you’re super worried, grab a puppy pad or mattress protector for them to sit on during the ride. 

As for the rest of your trip, make sure bathroom trips are part of the regular routine and if a bathroom is not easily accessible, your portable potty is. Safe travels!

For more tips on navigating potty scenarios after you’ve potty trained your child:

Check out the Post-Potty Training Guides in the

Potty Training Guides Bundle!


Summer & Potty Training


Best Potty Seats & Stools for Potty Training